What is Ballarat Climate Action 2014?

Local environmental and sustainability groups have joined together to arrange events and activities throughout 2014 – to encourage Ballarat and district residents to reduce their impacts on global warming and call on all levels of government and industry for stronger measures to address climate change. BCA 2014 is collating, publishing and promoting these community events on a monthly calendar available on Facebook and the web. There are regular sustainable house tours, Green Drinks, workshops, local produce markets, seminars, get-togethers over local food, displays, films, art and will culminate in December with a 2014 local rally on climate.

All are welcome to attend these events hosted by the various groups. Besides spreading the sustainability message, activities encourage socialising and fun - with many events aimed at attracting new “activists”. We need a groundswell of support and actions to ensure the future we want for our children.
If you or your organisation has something to contribute we would love to hear from you!

What groups are hosting events and what are their contact details? There are many locals involved in a wide range of environmental and sustainability groups who are working in a multitude of ways to reduce their impacts on our environment, lobby for stronger measures on global warming and help ensure a clean, green future. Although events are promoted on the BCA 2014 calendar, you will need to contact the event host for further details.

Saturday 8 March 2014

Dont despair MARCH IN MARCH

Dont despair, join thousands demanding a better government....

MARCH IN MARCH this Sunday 16th 12pm at steps Melb Library.

Join us on the 10.30 train from Ballarat. Bring a placard - choose from vast array of brilliant issues/posters on website.

A Statement of No Confidence in the Abbott Government
From The People of Australia

Let it be known, and entered into the public record, that on this day, Monday 17 March 2014, the People of Australia delivered this document to the Parliament of Australia.

This document is a “Statement of No Confidence” in the Liberal National Party Coalition Government and is tendered on behalf of the many thousands of people around the nation who marched in rallies and protests on the 15, 16 and 17 March 2014.

The people express their profound dissatisfaction with actions of the Liberal National Party Coalition Government and the Prime Minister of Australia, Tony Abbott, during their term in office.

This document asserts that many decisions made within this Government’s term in office have already resulted in, and will continue to result in, great damage to Australia’s economy, to our social structure, to the deterioration of our country’s international public image and to further devastation of our natural environment and our Heritage listed sites.

The people protest at a great number of policies and decisions being implemented by the Liberal National Party Coalition Government which are in denial of the best interests and image of our nation and an affront to the common good.

This document affirms the public dissatisfaction with policies that are incompatible with our international moral and legal responsibilities and to our way of life as a compassionate and caring people.

The social democracy that represents the very fabric of Australian ideology requires that the Government govern for the common good of all its people.

We believe that decisions have been made in our name which are unfair, lacking in integrity, costly and divisive.

We, the people of Australia, call upon the Government to recognise this Statement of No Confidence.